

Multiple facilities with a variety of equipment

Due to continuously changing markets and demands of our customers, the Insulcon Group invested in several production facilities that are located in Belgium, the Netherlands and the UK. These facilities own among others CNC milling machinery, computerized cutters for fabrics, automatic die-cutting machines, a fully operational textile- and vacuum forming plant, a sewing workshop and sawing equipment.

We house several departments specialized in the manufacturing, conversion and assembling of high temperature resistant end-products, completely according to customers' specifications.

Because of this we are able to manufacture tailor-made, durable, high temperature resistant products and systems for almost any application.

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At our textile production facility in Temse, Belgium, we apply the following textile technologies: carding, spinning, stitching, twining, texturizing, twisting, braiding, overbraiding, weaving and knitting.

  productie keramab 

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