
Mouldables and patching compounds


ProMixSealer® patching compounds are specially designed to repair hot and cold launder systems, to securely bond refractory launder joint segments or for expansion joint filling. They are in-house developed and manufactured and are made from high temperature non-ceramic, low bio-persistent fibers.

ProMixSealer® is a refractory fiber based mouldable composition for use in direct contact with molten aluminium. All our ProMixSealer® products have extremely low thermal shrinkage abilities and exhibit excellent adhesion. Next to this they have excellent insulation properties, high strength and superior non-wetting characteristics.

Installation ProMixSealer® products

ProMixSealer® AL, ALX and ALV non-wetting mouldables can be installed and smoothed with plastic gloves, spatulas and/or trowels. ProMixSealer® AL and ALV can also be installed it with a caulking gun either manual or with pressure. The maximum recommended thickness per application is 50,8 mm; storage temperature between 4°C and 32°C.

Next to the standard packaging (Cartridges, 5 kg and 25 kg drums), are ProMixSealer® AL and ALV products also available in handy sachets of 600 ml to 1500 ml. These sachets can be processed by using a pneumatic pistol.

Do you have questions?

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